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  • 超过90%的家长都会很关心他们孩子的听力情况, 因此,为了保护儿童的听力不受噪音的损害, 美国AAO-HNS向家长提出以下几条建议:


    -- 提醒如果你的孩子要长时间收听音乐时,要懂得适当休息;

    -- 如果孩子所参加的活动会产生很大音量时,家长要给他们配上耳塞或耳罩;

    -- 要时刻提醒孩子听音乐的声音不可太大;

    -- 当孩子觉得声音太大的时候,要教会他们避开噪音(离开噪音源), .


    AAO-HNS recommends these tips to ensure that parents know how to protect their families from noise-induced hearing loss:

    - Encourage your children to take breaks from long periods of listening to music.

    - Give your child ear plugs or ear muffs if they are involved in a loud activity. 

    - Remind your child to turn down the sound of their music.

    - Teach your child to avoid the noise (walk away) if they feel it is too loud.